Practical insights: high school students tour

We are always delighted by visits from high school students, whom we hope will one day join us as colleagues. This time, we had the pleasure of hosting 2nd and 3rd-year students from the Fran Bošnjaković School of Mechanical Engineering.

Practical insights: high school students tour

We are always delighted by visits from high school students, whom we hope will one day join us as colleagues. This time, we had the pleasure of hosting 2nd and 3rd-year students from the Fran Bošnjaković School of Mechanical Engineering.

During their visit, we aimed to showcase the diverse fields that comprise our company. Our expert engineers provided insights into our rail vehicle solutions, and the students had the opportunity to tour several of our laboratories.

We are particularly pleased that this visit left a positive impression on the students. Here are some of their reflections:

"Visiting KONČAR was a wonderful experience because I got to see something new and interesting. I would recommend that anyone in a technical school, or anyone interested in pursuing a technical career, visit KONČAR if possible and learn about their fascinating work and facilities."

"It was very interesting and informative. I’m glad we had the chance to visit the Institute, and I’m grateful to the principal and our teacher for organizing the trip."

"I found it very interesting and educational because the staff there are highly knowledgeable and informative. I would love to visit KONČAR again to learn new things and face new challenges."

"I thoroughly enjoyed the visit and believe that KONČAR is a place where you can learn many insightful and fascinating things. I highly recommend this visit to all future students."