Commissioning of the new generation embedded computer systems for EMUs

Under the signed contract with KONČAR – Electric Vehicles, we supplied control equipment for 21 Electric Multiple Units (EMUs) for the customer HŽ Passenger Transport.

Puštanje u pogon nove generacije ugradbenih računalnih sustava za elektromotorni vlak

The train control equipment consists of the main train computer, measurement and protection devices, cab control computer, energy metering system, human-machine interface, and a communication gateway for train connectivity.

Most of the equipment for this train series is based on the new/emerging proprietary KonECS hardware and software platform that enables configuration of industrial embedded computer systems (ECS) of various purposes. KonECS (Končar Embedded Computer Systems) platform represents a culmination of decades of development activities carried out at the Institute. The platform offers a series of new communication and computer capabilities, while maintaining all functionalities from the previous/earlier versions.

The basic hardware parts of the platform are the main processor module, the power supply module and input-output signal processing modules. The core of the main processor module is the multi-core TI AM5728 processor, with two Ethernet and three serial communication interfaces enabling the implementation of various protocols.

One of the challenges in replacing the ECS devices based on old platforms with the new generation based on the KonECS platform was the migration of existing application programs. To address/overcome this challenge, Grap Application Converter tool was developed simultaneously. In accordance with the defined rules, it automatically translates application programs of previous generations into the new environment. This process showcased the seamless collaboration and synergy between our engineers and those at KONČAR – Electric Vehicles, resulting in successful initial testing to mutual satisfaction.